Low-Cost Clinic Registration
Get on our waitlist by filling out the form below to register Online for a low-cost clinic.
***Somerset County Maryland Residents Only***
Or Download the Registration Form and mail it to:
PO Box 493
Princess Anne MD 21853
Attn.: Low-Cost Clinic
Preparing Cats for Surgery
Use a regular size cat carrier for each cat, or a larger carrier for two cats. The cats will need space to stretch out during recovery.
Line the carrier with newspaper, not with towels or blankets. The newspaper can be replaced if necessary, towels or blankets cannot and they stay wet the entire trip.
No food or water should be placed in the carrier.
You may cover the carrier with a towel or small blanket to keep the cat calm if you wish.
After Care
Try to keep the cats in a small space like the bathroom overnight. This keeps them from moving around too much. Females especially need to be confined because it takes them longer to recover from surgery.
The cats can eat their regular diet the next day. They may be listless or not eat for 24 hours or so, but most will be up and around the next morning.
If possible look at the incision site for infection or bleeding for a day or two, especially for females.